Register and create your App

  1. Register with a new account or login to your existing

  2. Create your app, and sync it with your GitHub repository and branch

Tip: Your puzzlet repo doesn’t need to be the same as where you store your app code. Your data is still accessible via our secure data layer.


Run Puzzlet init and Push to GitHub

  1. Initialize your puzzlet configuration in the root of your repo.
npx @puzzlet/cli@latest init
  1. Commit & push the changes to your synced branch.

Publish your first Prompt Template


Fetch your prompt and run it with tracing

  1. Create your API key, and grab your appId.
  2. Run your prompt
import { Puzzlet } from "@puzzlet/sdk";
import { ModelPluginRegistry, createTemplateRunner } from "@puzzlet/agentmark";
import AllModels from "@puzzlet/all-models";
const puzzletClient = new Puzzlet({ apiKey, appId }, createTemplateRunner);
const tracer = puzzletClient.initTracing();

// Note: Registering all latest models for demo/development purposes. 
// In production, you'll likely want to selectively load these, and pin models.
// See AgentMark docs for more details: https://docs.puzzlet.ai/agentmark/model-providers

async function run () {
  const basicPrompt = await puzzletClient.fetchPrompt("basic.prompt.mdx");
  const props = { myProp: 'hello' };
  const telemetry = {
    isEnabled: true,
    functionId: 'example-function-id',
    metadata: { userId: 'example-user-id' }
  return (await basicPrompt.run(props, { telemetry }));
// Note: You only need to shutdown the tracer for local/short running tasks.
run().then(() => tracer.shutdown());
  1. View the results in your dashboard

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