AgentMark provides a set of built-in filters that you can use to manipulate and transform data within your prompts. Filters are functions that take an input value and return a transformed output.

Basic Usage

Use filters by calling them on values in your prompts:

name: greeting
    name: gpt-4
    userName: "alice"
    items: ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]

Your name is {capitalize(props.userName)}!
Your items are: {join(props.items, ", ")}
What is your name, and what items do you have?

Built-in Filters

AgentMark includes several built-in filters:

Text Manipulation

  • capitalize(str): Capitalizes first character of string
  • lower(str): Converts string to lowercase
  • upper(str): Converts string to uppercase
  • truncate(str, length): Truncates string to specified length
  • replace(str, search, replace): Replaces text in string

Array Operations

  • join(array, separator): Joins array elements with separator

Number Formatting

  • abs(num): Returns absolute value
  • round(num, decimals): Rounds number to decimal places

Data Transformation

  • dump(obj): Converts object to JSON string
  • urlencode(str): URL encodes a string

Creating Custom Filters

You can create and register custom filters:

import { FilterRegistry } from "@puzzlet/agentmark";

// Create filter function
const reverse = (input: string): string => {
  return input.split('').reverse().join('');

// Register the filter
FilterRegistry.register("reverse", reverse);

Then use in your prompts:

name: reverse-text
    name: gpt-4
    text: "Hello World"

Original: {props.text}
Reversed: {reverse(props.text)}

Best Practices

  1. Use descriptive filter names
  2. Handle invalid input types gracefully
  3. Keep filters focused on single transformations

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